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Peas & Chorizo Risotto

Hi there,

Running out of ideas for dinner? Neat! I've exactly what you're looking for. A yummy and healthy plate, which will fill your body with greediness and happiness.

Actually, I realize this is the first time I share a risotto recipe over here although I'm a huge risotto lover. Anyway, here we go:

General info:

Level: easy

Time: 40 min

  • 5 min prep

  • 35 min cooking

Ingredients needed for the risotto:

(For 2 persons)

  • 175 gr of Bosto rice (Mediterraneo Risotto&Paella Rice),

  • 1 garlic glove,

  • 1-2 big pinch(es) of salt,

  • 1 pinch of pepper,

  • Veggies cubes (2-3),

  • 2/3 of 1 small can of peas (if you have fresh ones, even better),

  • 1 pack of parmesan cheese,

  • 100gr chorizo slices from the closest butcher,

  • 2-3 tbsp of olive oil.

How to prep the risotto:

  1. Start to boil some water with your cubes to make your broth.

  2. Smash your garlic glove and pour it into a pot with olive oil.

  3. Let it bake for 2 min before adding the risotto rice.

  4. Keep stirring and let it brown a bit.

  5. Then, little by little, add the broth into the pot containing the risotto rice. (add some water until rice is fully submerged in the broth).

  6. Keep stirring until the water has been absorbed by the rice.

  7. Once again, add some broth.

  8. (Repeat this sequence 3-4 times. Do not hesitate to taste your rice)

  9. In the meantime, get your peas and chorizo ready. Rince your peas and bake your chorizo charcuterie in a pan. Save 4 slices aside.

  10. When you add the broth for the last time, add your peas and chorizo.

  11. Keep stirring and add some parmesan cheese (I like adding some during the prep and then after on my plate).

  12. Alongside while stirring, pan your saved slices of chorizo until crisp.

  13. Serve your portions and top it all with the toppings (crispy chorizo and parmesan cheese).

  14. Enjoy the risotto and let me know. :)

5 healthy benefits of the risotto recipe
French recipe of the healthy peas & chorizo risotto





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