Hi there,
Happy to meet you again in this brand-new section!
I feel like I wrote the first article a day ago, damn it, time flies!
How is July's mood, Mathilde?
I've to admit I'm doing much better than last month. I took a week off, which clearly helped! I think I had simply too much on my plate, and I clearly needed to resource away from my daily space, ask myself the right questions in order to move on.
I spent time with my family in Switzerland, and I do realize there's nothing better to reconnect with yourself, I mean family & nature. Who better than your fam' knows you? They know what you need or don't need to hear, how to help you, which words to use, what topic to address, what matters to you, etc. Not to mention all the appetizers & good food we had, what a cheer-up maker!
“Nothing is better than going home to family and eating good food and relaxing.” – Irina Shayk
I'm also super happy because we finally booked our next vacay. We're going to Alicante at the end of August, cannot wait! Even though I loved my time in Switzerland, the weather was pretty dang bad, and let's be honest, without the sun, it doesn't totally feel like summer vacation, right?!
In the meantime, I'm just trying to enjoy my life here in Belgium without asking myself too many questions I don't have the answers to. I absolutely have no idea of what the future holds, but I do know one thing, I cannot control it! So, I decided to live the moment (tryin to!) and let life & things go... There's a common saying: "Everything happens for a reason." I guess it's time to think about it twice. That doesn't mean I give up on the idea of traveling the world, it simply means I'm trying to appreciate what I currently have instead of looking back. I also learned there's no need to be so radical. Discovering the world doesn't force me to live abroad or at least that far! There's a time for everything and right now, it's just not the time. I have to be patient, fully commit myself to what I'm currently doing and trust my future. I simply cannot be on all fronts.
Hope you guys are doing better than the Belgian weather!
Kiss, kiss,